Monday, October 21, 2013

Walter White on a Mug? Yes Please

Cheeming Boey is my new fav artist. He is a Malaysian animator/artist/author who is widely known for his epic foam cup drawings. My favourite is EASILY the Breaking Bad Cups. Seriously awesome. He makes me want to quit my day job and draw on cups for a living. Check out his website here.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Breaking Bad is back in my life!

Hallelujah! Just to go completely off topic - whatever the topic of my posts plan to be....
But it has been the longest year of my life waiting for the end of Breaking Bad to premiere. The best TV show ever written. If you haven't watched it, go back to the beginning and do it. You won't regret it. It will blow your mind on a weekly basis. If you are riding this extreme train of extreme awesomeness... please share in the excitement with me.

Choosing Colour Combinations

A link to this website was sent to me by my ex-boss who left for bigger and brighter things a while ago. I think this is a perfectly simple website. Design Seeds. Everyone needs this added to their favourites. I love how there is an image to set the mood, then six colours that are inspired by the colours in the image. I love it. I love the whole idea of it. This is perfect for wedding inspiration or just choosing colour combinations while trying to design something at work.... have a trawl though - it really is inspiring.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Ultimate Do-Up

Today I came across the coolest story, it's a bit dirty.. not in a 'mind in the gutter' type dirty.. but literally just... dirty. London-based architect Laura Clark from Lamp Architects, took it upon herself to transform an abandoned underground public toilet (which was in quite the state) into a chic city apartment. The results are breathtaking. Read her story here and check out the photo gallery here.
You can follow her renovation journey over at her blog

Here is a sneak peak!


and after...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I want that

I want a typeset drawer. Badly. I have looked online everywhere.. unless I'm willing to pay for shipping from the US I haven't been able to find one. Now I have country envy. Elizabeth at the Please Note Paper blog FOUND ONE at like a freakin' yard sale! As easy as that. And I am uuuuber jealous. So much so it makes me wish I lived in America to take advantage of such things. Cos that is totally an acceptable reason to move countries. I have a lot of crap. SO much so that my partner thinks I have a hoarding problem. Ok.. not like hoarding on those American TV shows.. lets just say I have a fair few unpacked boxes of craft supplies... and they have been left unpacked.. in our garage... and spare room... for about 18 months now. Awkward turtle. Now to get back on track... I also have a lot of nail polishes, threads, broken jewellery and things like that.. so I thought this would be an awesome way to store them. Maybe when I finally get to go on my USA road trip I could snag one and post it back myself... dreams are free.

Winter Blues

It gets to about this time of the year when I crave summer. Winter has well and truly hit and quite frankly I am done. I feel the same way half way through summer but that's a rant for another day. I miss going to the river with the dogs, I miss wearing jandals and not having freezing footsies (yes, I wear jandals year round... even in negative freezing temperatures.. not a fan of shoes in general). I thought I'd share my favourite summer photo of my boy Buddy. This was one of the first times he went swimming, for the first 8 months we had him he was terrified of water. Now you can't keep him away.


Graphic Design Inspiration

Hump-day is the worst day of the week in my book. 
It's also my least productive day at work, so I thought it would be fitting on this Wednesday morning to post a few pictures from my graphic design inspiration folder... instead of working!